Losing touch with cycles, seasons and Mother Earths gifts
Posted by amy on Sep 30, 2024 | 264 Reads
In today's society with it been so fast paced and in a constant state moving forwards, on to the next one, we have lost touch with the basics of life and the things that can bring us balance and happiness. Learning how to work in a better alignment with the seasons really does have a positive affect across all areas of life. Living more in sync with nature and the cycles that it offers allows us to fully embrace our own internal seasons and find better equilibrium.
When life is hectic and full steam ahead then we don't have the time to listen to our bodies and give ourselves what it is that we need. Our ancient ancestors lived by the cycles, seasons, the equinox's, solstices and the stars. They were able to notice so much more than we do today. They lived from the land, using plant medicine as their go too healing modalities. In today's world it is often frowned upon to use plant medicine and things such as cannabis, mushrooms and other psychoactive offerings have been given a bad reputation by our leaders. I often wonder why that is? Why would they be so anti what Mother Earth provides for us. I honestly believe that the Earth provides more than enough for what need to thrive.
I often forage from the local land near me, working with what is in season. I use herbs in my tea's and cook with the food I have foraged. We are meant to eat what is in season, makes sense doesn't it?! But as we have access to so much choice these days and a tonne of processed foods this is often what we consume. No wonder there is a huge issue with peoples digestive systems these days. We have become greedy and lazy and this has affected our bodies way in which is digests food. I believe that we most people do not need 3 meals a day, it is often far too much for us. Having used fasting as a tool for multiple reasons for over 4 years I have become a huge fan of this practice and can honestly say that I have had better energy, healthier weight and overall better immunity since I have been practicing fasting.
We experience the seasons from nature with the weather that we have, but we also have our internal seasons. We often can experience them all in just one day! When we listen to this then we can be more in tune with what it is that we need. If you are feeling tired and energy is slow then you need to rest and take some time out, when you are feeling high vibe and high energy then you need to utilise this and spend that energy well. But due to expectations that we unnecessarily place upon ourselves then we often miss the cues and then can over time lead to burn out, depression and ultimately been out of balance.
We can also work better with the seasons of nature and create better habits and routines which are more in alignment with the current season. The beauty of seasonal living is that it allows us adapt and change as the seasons do. We are currently in Autumn in the UK, this is the time for shedding, releasing and drawing back energy. It is a time for transition and reflection and it is a calming season.
Our bodies and mind can thrive when we understand that it requires different kinds of care in the different seasons. When you learn about yourself on a deeper level and how the seasons external and internal have such a huge impact on our lives then this is really where you can harness your power and create a life which is much more balanced and therefore you will be happier and healthier.
Allow yourself to look a little closer and pay better attention to how the seasons affect you and how you have your own internal seasons. Figure out what is good for you in Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. How could you work more in sync with natures cycles? How could you improve your diet with eating more seasonal foods?
Knowledge is power, and learning more about yourself on a deeper level will support your wellbeing tenfold.